Thursday, January 27, 2011


WE ARE HERE!!! OK, so we have been here for two weeks now, but we have been a little busy trying to get all settled...

so a little bit about our new home:

Jane is excited about the warm weather which has triggered her naked tendancies once again. I have to arm wrestle her just to get a diaper on. But I NEVER have to fight her to wear shoes, because shoes mean she gets to go outside!! Jane's love for going outside is two fold, she loves the neighbor kids (kody and Allie) and she loves thier "kitty-cat". All she does all day is put her shoes on (clothing optional) and brings me my shoes and says "outside". repeat ten times and you have a typical day around here.

Jane has really taken to Alli, the cute little four year old that live below us. She cries for Allie all day long, some mornings she wakes up and the first thing she says is "allie". In fact the other day when I dropped her off at her playgroup she was crying... and who was she asking for you ask?? her mother who birthed her??? Nope, she wanted "Allie". Moving on to Janey's playgroup, here they have a program called GAP which is kind of like a daycare/preschool/playgroup. She goes two half days a week, she still cries when I drop her off, but she was fine when I picked her up on Wednesday, so I think it is getting better. I think it will be really good for her to have more time to socialize with kiddies her age, instead of kickin' it with mom all day.

Jane loves the beach, she is not scared at all of the water, which is good and bad I guess. Jane gets to go to the University club pool on Thursdays, but this thursday she discovered that the pool is on the Beach, so naturally she just wants to go down on the beach.

Also Janes new thing is gloves, she has to be wearing gloves whenever doing anything. She uses two sandwich baggies when playing with pots in the kitchen, she wears two socks on her hands when dealing with items in the bedroom, and recently she found a box of gloves in the laundry room which come in handy to play in the dirt.

Brandon and I have been doing great! Brandon has been pretty busy with school, he is pretty much there all day. But he has been wonderful with getting us settled. He found us a great car, and has made sure Janey and I are super comfortable here. We love our apartment and love living by such great people. We have been really lucky the the other students and their wives have been so wonderful in helping us get settled here, our Nieghbors Kensi and Rex where lifesavers in taking us to church and the store etc. we probably would have starved otherwise. I really like here so far, I have found a lot of similarities between here and Hawaii, but have also enjoyed learning new things about Grenada everyday. I am dying from the heat, and it doesn't help that I have been told that this is the cooler season here.... BLAH!! but other than that I am really enjoying myself, I do feel a little guilty that I am on this two year carribean vacation and Brandon has to go to class, but what can you do...

I am going to be a better blogger I promise, now that I have SOOO much more time on my hands!!!

These are pictures from last Friday of Brandon and Jane beachin' it up!!




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Tiffani said...

YAYYYYY!!!! It is so good to hear from you guys. We miss you like crazy. It's so fun to hear all the cute Janey stories. I love the gloves and the beach pictures are awesome. I'm so glad you guys got a car. We love you tons. Keep the posts coming!!

maggie said...

How Fun Ash! I'm quite jealous of your adventure!

Alysha said...

I am glad you are back to blogging! I missed reading your blogs...even when you lived above me, I still liked reading about your adventures. Living in Grenada sounds so fun! I am ready to adventure out somewhere similar to Hawaii...geez for all I know we will be here forever! TVA groupies for life man!

The Frandsens said...

I'm so glad things are going good for you guys!! We also are missing you guys, but happy that you are enjoying your adventure. Looks like we need to come visit....

Ally and Moema said...

Loved it, thanks so much for the update. I am so glad you are liking it there! Love the photos, Jane is so cute!

Jenny said...

Love it! Janey is quite a character! I can imagine her wearing gloves and shoes and nothing else, running around outside on the beach. I'm glad you're meeting new friends and settling in, and blogging about it so we can share in your adventures. We miss you guys!

Lindsey said...

Wow, what an awesome adventure! I can't believe you get to live in a place like that. Seriously, so cool.

The Powells said...

Emi is sitting here on my lap and all she keeps saying about the picture of Brandon throwing Jane in the air is "she drop!" over and over again. I think Emi is concerned... LOL. I love the pictures! Glad that settling in has been fairly easy. Let me know how you're doing (aside from the move).

Cierra said...

waiiiiiiiit...hold up. are you SERIOUS?? i am soooo jealous! what a wonderful life! can i please move in with you guys?? i just checked your blog and was like, grenada, what?! so awesome! so happy for you guys! can't wait to see more!