Monday, June 30, 2008
What's wrong with America?
I have purposefully refrained from bringing up my political views on this blog but with the 4th of July coming up I thought it was appropriate to indulge in a little ranting and raving and getting up on my soap box and throwing it down. If you don't like politics or hearing others point of view you can skip this one blog and I won't have hurt feelings I don't care if anyone even agrees with me, there is something therapeutic about sending my feelings out into cyberspace. Here are the top 5 things that have really chapped my goat this last year.
1.) Here in the temple view apartments many people show their pride for their home countries by putting their foreign flag on the outside of their doors or window, and I think that is great I have no problem with people showing pride in where they're from and they should because that is part of who they are, however when my buddy Nick was reprimanded by the apartment complex manager and forced to take his American flag down because it was deemed "offensive" and "disrespectful". This is utterly the most stupid contradictory thing I've heard in a long time. If you think the American flag is offensive or disrespectful why are you living here, and an many cases mooching off our government for sustenance.
2.) I don't know if anyone one else realizes this but the media keeps trying to tell us what we should be thinking. The so called "news" stations have ceased reporting news and instead replace the real news with these "expert" commentators who have a shared agenda. I know the war in the middle east isn't popular but the media doesn't help by only sharing stories when they are conveniently disappointing. No wonder the "average American" who's only education about the war consists of the little blips they've seen on CNN or occasional article in Newsweek think we should pull the troops out today. Its propaganda and I'm not buying it. When has Alecs Baldwin and Sean Penn's opinion mattered more than facts?
3.) How did it get so trendy to Hate America? I know the rest of the world does but within our own country, are you serious? Alec Baldwin I'm still waiting for you to get out of here and you can take your dismal disappointing Hollywood career and 2nd grade education with you!
4.) How did Barak Obama gain so much public favor? I don't hate him, I'm not even saying that there isn't a chance I'll vote for him. He's charismatic and a great orator, but at the same time he hasn't done anything! He has the motto "A change we can believe in" but I'm not seeing it. This sounds too much like the campaign platform of house democrats who promised change during the midterm elections and the media along with America just ate that up, but last time I checked almost two years have gone by and we're worse off now than we were then. Funny how that works out because the media really missed the mark on that one. I don't understand why it's OK to be hard on McCain but your a bigget for being hard on Obama (they are running for public office they both knew that would mean being under public scrutiny so it's OK if you criticize either one of them and if its because you want to be one of the 'good white people' don't worry statistically Obama will get more votes because he's black than people who won't because he is) McCain has to be flawless to even stand a chance angainst Obama seeing how the media is just ready to pounce him but Obama on the other hand is defended even when he's telling high school kids about his past drug use or his racially charged reverand (his former "spiritual advisor") with whom he spend 20 years in his congregation gets some of his sermons leaked, or the stupid things his wife says from a microphone in public gatherings. If McCain was involved in any of these shenanigans he would be put up there with people who eat their babies as far as public opinion is concerned. Google will even pull your blog if it is deemed anti-Obama.
All I want is a fair and balanced election for our new commander and chief, I want to know where the candidates stand on the issues and what their public record is sure knowing about their character would be nice too but I don't care what the celebrities think or what these so called political experts on TV's opinions are.
5.)I want an unbiased media and I'm not happy with the one which condemns a Republican government official for their infractions with the law but when its a Democrat somehow they drop off the word Democrat and just use the name of their position like governor or senator instead of Republican senator or republican governor. Half the time there isn't even any media coverage for the stupid things democrats say or do, here is one example.
If you haven't heard about the Massachusetts Democrat representative James Fagan going on a rant against child rape victims yet, its most likely because there was limited media coverage.
Here is what he said:
“Let me tell you why it’s so wrong, It’s so wrong because in these situations . . . that 6-year-old is going to sit in front of me, or somebody far worse than me and I’m going to rip them apart. I’m going to make sure that the rest of their life is ruined. That when they’re 8 years old they throw up; when they’re 12 years old, they won’t sleep. When they’re 19 years old they’ll have nightmares and they’ll never have a relationship with anybody. And that’s not because I’m a nice guy. That’s because when you’re in court, and you’re defending somebody’s liberty, and you’re facing a mandatory sentence of those draconian proportions, you have to do every single thing you can do on behalf of your client. That is your obligation as a trial lawyer.”
Is there anything that is chapping your goat?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Ashley!!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
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