Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prematurity Awareness Day

Today is Prematurity Awareness Day. I must admit I was not aware of this day until I read a friend's status on Facebook sharing her own experiences.

It just got me thinking A Lot about our own little soon- to-be-three bundle of Joy. I remember being over six weeks early and being at work terrified becuase I hadn't felt the baby move since the day before, I was trying not to overreact but finally left work to see my doctor who immedietely just sent me to the hospital. I remember calling my mom while I was driving myself to the hospital crying, thinking how unprepared I was if this baby were to come that day.

They ended up stopping labor and jane came a week later. She only spent a few extra days in the NICU, but seriously I am very grateful for the NICU nurses. They were the most amazing people, and I feel like since our family was unable to make it right away, they were my first mommy teachers.

I am so grateful to have Jane in my life, she is our everything. She was totally worth it all! we love our little premi.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba





You may be wondering why there are so many pictures of the Yo Gabba Gabba show? The truth is Janey is a little groupy, she is only 2 years old and been to 2 Gabba Shows. If you do the math that is one per year. Its no suprise to us our little daughter in a fan she practically burst forth from her mother's loins singing Yo Gabba Gabba! and looking like Brobee.
Thank you tiffani and the starlight foundation for the amazing dancy dance party. Jane's only comments concerning the show was and still is "I NEED MORE!!" I think that means she loved it.
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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Our little Munchkin.

Our little monkey is just growing, growing, growing. Everyday she is doing something new, and she is always cracking us up.

Here are a few fun facts and stories about our little girlie:

- She thinks she is a kitty, she is constantly walking around the house meowing and it is not uncommon for her to come up and lick you.

- She wanted to be a dinosaur princess for Halloween, and even though I somehow convinced her to wear her princess costume to the ward party and her dinosaur costume to go trick or treating, still even so if you asked her what she was, she was a dinosaur princess.

- Her Aunt Alicia took her to Build-a-bear, and got her the cutest bear and after she helped make the bear they fill out the bear's birth certificate and they asked her what she wanted to name the bear and after much thought she decided on "hello Kitty".

- She loves to sleep with her daddy at night and when she wakes up in the morning and realizes he has left for work, she still goes upstairs and looks all over for him and then proceeds to come into me craying saying "I lost my daddy!!"

- Janey's favorite store is Target, I tried to take her to Toys R' Us the other day and we pulled up and Janey was like "this is not Target"

- The other day My mom and sister took miss Jane to Target and we were just walking around and Jane spotted the Christmas Section and got really excited and turned to us and said "mom, I found Christmas!!" like it has been at Target all along.

-If Janey wants something she waits until Brandon goes to work and tells me that daddy said he she can do this, or gets that. Some things included have been buying her a brobee costume and buying her a new dino stuffed animal.

- Jane favorite show is still Yo Gabba Gabba, but she is branching out and really likes Angelina Ballerina

-Her favorite movies as of lately are Jimmy Neutron, Kung Fu Panda and the Chipmunks.

-Janey is constantly telling us that she goes potty in the potty (a half-truth) but she still has to change daddy's diapers and they are VERY stinky.

-Jane loves to listen to music and loves to dance.

-Janey's Favorite Color is Green.

- Janey loves to paint, color and play with play- do. She also loves doing art projects.

- Janey is always singing, her life is a musical. sometimes real songs, some she composes herself. some of her favorite songs lately are: "I am a child of God", "We are a happy family".

- Janey said her first Prayer all by herself and in which she said "mommy has to go to the hospital and daddy is always at work. and that Janey likes chocolate and that the monster got her toe. She even got the beginning and ending correct. I was so proud.

- Janey likes her mommy to straighten her hair sometimes, she asks if mommy can make her hair warm, she think that is why I straighten my hair, to make it warm.

- if you ask Jane her name she will give you her full name: Jane Milani Frandsen, and then she will tell you her parents names as well: Brandon Frandsen and Mommy Nichole Frandsen.

We just love our little Janey- girl she keeps life fun.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summertime Jane


I know it has been a while and there have been complaints to update the old blog. It hard to know where to start but throwing up some pictures should suffice temporarily and buy us some more time to get our act together.
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Janey Reading

Jane has REALLY taken to reading lately, she often says to us "books and night night time" no matter the time of day, she really just means I want to lay in my bed and read FOREVER.

Lately she has been favoring LOVE YOU FOREVER. She actually says alot of the words... very impressive. I am so happy Brandon caught it on video, I can't stop watching it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Miss Sassypants

Our sweet little baby is growing up so fast, and with this whole growing up thing, she has really started to develop a personality all her own.

Now that the sentences are flowing, here are a few of our favorites:

1. mom: "Janey you want to take a nap in mommy and daddy's bed today?"
Janey: "NO, night- night all gone, mommy bed poo-poo in it. (just for the record it did not.)

2. When the nice young man came by with the Sacrament Tray and offered Jane the bread, she look at it and said "No thanks, Chicken Nuggets Please." We had a nice little chat about how he was not a very young waiter.

3. At the airport in Puerto Rico after a VERY long flight, I asked Janey if she wanted some water and she said "I no want water, I want dance.

4. During Family Home Evening,
Mom: "Janey, who do you want to say the prayer?"
Janey: "Pudding Pop."
Mom: "Janey can you say I will Obey?"
Janey: "Pudding Pop"

5. While doing her business on the potty:
Janey: "here it comes!!"
after the deed is done:
Janey" there it is!"

6. At the Movie theater, during the movie Rio when Jewel the bird's wing gets hurt:
Janey: "Funny Momma? that Funny?"
she is still learning when to laugh.....

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! We had a lot of fun around these parts. It started on Saturday at the SO Easter party, there was egg dying, bouncy houses and an egg hunt. Then Sunday Morning Janey woke up to an egg hunt and her Easter Basket. I quickly noticed that Brandon had hid the easter eggs I made for Primary music time with the name of songs in them, for Janey. so Janey had to go back in the room so the Easter bunny could fix his mistake...

Church was great, Janey actually was pretty well behaved except for she does this new thing during church now, when there is any sort of silence (a prayer for example) Janey just starts screaming at the top of her lungs. Who taught her that?? it scared me everytime. and she also says "where daddy go" pretty much the whole time now that he doesn't sit with us anymore. She is getting better and better each sunday and was a champ in nursery so I hear.

We ended our wonderful day with an Easter BBQ at our friends house and ANOTHER egg hunt... Janey is a pro now. It was a ton of fun... a very successful Easter if I do say so myself.




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Saturday, March 26, 2011

My nephew Ben, the ARTIST!!

My Nephew Ben presented me with this wonderful portrait of Janey, a true masterpiece if I do say so myself. Ben if you are reading this, know that I am getting it framed for Janey's room. She points to it and says "Janey". We love it.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Birthday JANE!!! welcome terrible 2

Happy birthday JANE!!! you're such a big girl now that you have officially hit the 2 year mark and your babiness has worn off, if this were another period in time we would be sending you out into the work force where your tiny little fingers could be put to work on the assembly line to make us some money.

Luckily we were able to have a combined suprise birthday party at our apartment for Jane (year 2) and Blair (year 27). It was a lot of fun with all our friends from church and my roommates from last term. The highlight for Jane were the home made donuts Ashley made special for the occasision.
For those of you who don't know Jane and Ashley went back home to Seattle to be there for her Dad this Wednesday. I feel so lucky that we were able to have a birthday party before they both left.

This last picture is just to let you know how much Janey liked her party, she was so hopped up on sugar from all her donut treats and icecream that she eventually just passed out with dino and let herm mommy and daddy get some much needed sleep.
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