Saturday, August 21, 2010

A day on the town

Even though I'm at a school called St. George's we are actually in a small college town called True Blue (because they used to produce indego along time ago). This was our first time getting on the city bus which ROCKS!! you just start walking and a guy will jump out of what we would call a small 15 passenger van and the bus will back up and you get on. From True Blue we traveled up to St. George's down town, where we got off and apparently looked lost enough to where an enterprising tour guide named Randy took good care of us and showed us around the town and got us in the right direction to go swim in a nearby waterfall which is on the property of an old plantation.
We later went back into town and walked around the spice market and up to old British fort sill used today for the police called Fort George, formally known as Fort Royal by the French who were the first to colonize the island. We got an excellent history lesson from our tour guide about the tragic events leading up to the US invasion "Operation Urgent Fury" where a military coup orchestrated by Cuban Marxists and high level govenment representatives killed the Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and those loyal to him. Needless to say the US military came in and conflict resolved is less than a week and the local Grenadians didn't have any problems putting the Cubans hidinig all over the island in US custody. There is a nice memorial and an even nicer view.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

So nice to hear how you are doing. You always amaze me how you always find fun in what ever you are doing. Hugs