Sunday, April 24, 2011


I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!! We had a lot of fun around these parts. It started on Saturday at the SO Easter party, there was egg dying, bouncy houses and an egg hunt. Then Sunday Morning Janey woke up to an egg hunt and her Easter Basket. I quickly noticed that Brandon had hid the easter eggs I made for Primary music time with the name of songs in them, for Janey. so Janey had to go back in the room so the Easter bunny could fix his mistake...

Church was great, Janey actually was pretty well behaved except for she does this new thing during church now, when there is any sort of silence (a prayer for example) Janey just starts screaming at the top of her lungs. Who taught her that?? it scared me everytime. and she also says "where daddy go" pretty much the whole time now that he doesn't sit with us anymore. She is getting better and better each sunday and was a champ in nursery so I hear.

We ended our wonderful day with an Easter BBQ at our friends house and ANOTHER egg hunt... Janey is a pro now. It was a ton of fun... a very successful Easter if I do say so myself.




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D&J Savaiinaea said...

To cute! She is so big now!!

Ryan said...

Miss you guys a lot!!

Heidi said...

The last picture of Janey is soooo cute. Coy, innocent loving and who is that child? You mentioned your callings what are they?

Kristen said...

Sounds like a great Easter!! That Janey is such a cutie!

The Wrights said...

Hi, we are the Wrights and we are coming down to Grenada in Aug for the MPH to MD program... We kinda stumbled onto your blog and were just wondering if you had any tips or advice on housing and the program in general....We are from Utah and were happy to see your church post...:) Any info you could give would be helpful and much appreciated... :) my email is Thanks, The Wrights