Friday, September 21, 2007

Ka Ua Ka'a

Tonight Brandon and I attended Ka Ua Ka'a a production intertwining Hawaiian myths and legends through dramatic interpretation, modern and traditional hula, acrobatics, song and chant.
The Dancing was Amazing, the songs and chants were beautiful. It was a very beautiful engaging look into Hawaiian culture.
the show included this bendy lady, as I like to call her. I was afraid the acrobatics would make it cheesy, but it was very tasteful, and very impressive...
In conclusion: two thumbs way up!! We heart Hawaii!!


Sabs said...

cool! Did you take these pics? They're awesome!

Stef said...

I'll bet that was cool! I think it's neat to see into other cultures!

Tiffani said...

WOW! That looks awesome. Seriously, you guys have way too much fun!

The Frandsens said...

Yep, we are jealous. That sounds so neat!

Lindsey said...

ash!!! hey, what is your new address in Hawaii?? Let me know!! Cute blog!!

Brad and Sue Frandsen said...

Oh, my Brandon being involved in a cultural event? Ashley you're doing good! Keep on him!! From you pictures and descriptions (aka the 'bendy lady') it sounds very facinating. I'm glad you guys are out there learning about Hawaii and things together. Have more fun!!!

Annie said...

I love the blog!

Jessica Kettle said...

how fun! Did I tell you I am coming to the big Island the day after Cristmas with my fam!? We must see eachother.