So there I was driving to my next Home Visit when what do I hear on the radio?!?! "call in now and the 7th caller will get 4 passes to the premiere of PENELOPE!" well, if you know me at all...then you will know that I have had an itch to see Penelope since they first start advertising it like a year ago! So I did what any sane Christina Ricci fan would do...I started calling my little heart out... and what did I hear on the other line you ask?!?!? "CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are the 7th caller!!! So, I realize that this may not seem like the coolest proze to you, but knowing that I am never win something on the radio ever again...I started screaming my little Head off!!!
So Brandon and I attended the Hawaii premiere of Penelope, I am pretty sure we were the only ones there over the age of 12, but I loved every minute of it!!! Two thumbs way up!!