Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jane Milani


A little update on our very funny very smart Jane.  She decided the day that Grandpa showed up that she could swim in the deep end all on her own, she says cute things like she is getting 'food dehydrated' when she's hungry, and loves to spontaneously burst out in song as if her life is a musicle, complete with dancing.  Jane has what I think one would call an imaginary friend named Guilty (a name that I am baffled how she came up with on her own).  Guilty lives in the mirror and looks just like Jane and likes many of the same things Jane likes.  Jane also likes to pretened its Freaky Friday everyday of the week, where she claims to have switched bodies mostly with her mom but sometimes Nolan.  Jane also likes to pretend she is Ashley and Ashley is Jane.  The funny thing is when she yells at 'Jane' she is actually upset with things that the real Jane ctually did.  This projecting not only involves reporting on all the bad things she has done, it also involves critiques in fashion and movie tastes.  The funniest parts is where our house turns into the set of a Soap Opera every other morning when she wakes up and comes into our room to yell at 'Jane' for sleeping with her husband.  Never a dull moment while this girl is awake.
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Tiffani said...

Are you kidding me!? You can't even make this stuff up. You guys need to write a children's book full of her antics. It would be NY Times bestseller for sure. Guilty?! She is too funny. And she looks huge. STOP GROWING JANE/GUILTY! You're supposed to stay the same until you move back!

Tiffani said...

Oh and P.S. LOOOOOOOVE the blog posts!! Keep em coming!!

Reece said...

you guys are alive?? She has grown soooo much! she's beautiful!!

Jenny said...

Love it! She's a keeper!

Alysha said...

LOL! Omgosh I miss you guys! I can't believe Jane is so big!! So cute