Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Nolan Taj


Out little Man Cub goes by many names thanks in part to his big sister who adore him with all her heart:
Chubber Knuckles
Chubber Bubber
Tajie Wajie
Blue Taj
Stinky Taj
Noles Bowls
Noley Boley
are just a few on an ever growing list.  Nolan is, if you couldn't tell from the pictures above developping quite the personality and loving having his long lost grandma around.  Grandma and Grandpa have spoiled this guy with toys, clothes and most importantly attention, something he has problems with from day 1 since his sister is a self proclaimed 'Pop Star' who demands so much undivided attention. Due to this Nolan suffers from what I call Attention Deficit, which is quite common in children with sibblings that love living in the spotlight. Despite the sleep deprivation, sore muscles from lugging this Chub, and the aweful sounds that eminate from this guys noise hole I think we'll keep him.
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Tiffani said...

I DIE!!! He is the cutest thing I have (almost) ever seen. His hair! His face! OMG I need to hug and kiss him.

Jenny said...

His hair is amazing! What a sweetie. We miss you guys!