Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tribute to Sabrina's Duck
I just had to put this on here after reading sabrina's most recent post.... Everyone thought I was crazy for taking numerous pics of "mowhawk duck" as I so lovingly call him..... But his 'do really impressed me... I don't know Sabrina... maybe we can start a club?!?!?

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Birthday Boy!!!
Friday was the big 2-4! for Brandon!!! So to celebrate such a special occassion, we pulled out all the stops and had a CUPCAKE EATING CONTEST!! We invited a few friends, as our apt is teeny, tiny, itty bitty... So I spent the day baking up a storm... because Brandon would not let me bake them the night before, he wanted "fresh" cupcakes.... so with the help of the alicia's squared... my sis and my friend that lives below us.. we baked 132 cupcakes... and only ended up needing like 50... oh well... you live , you learn... Unfortunately, Brandon lost... I really wanted him to win becuase I bought prizes for the winners! So, I did not feed him the whole day... oh well...so here are a few pics from the festivities!
no one was going to come to his shin dig!!
Brandon doing what he does best!
This is Nick, he came in Second..
we made everyone count their wrappers to see who won!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Our first Halloween as a married couple
The things Ashley will do for a T-shirt
Our first attempt to summit was thwarted due to some heathen State holiday and the park was closed.
4months later the 2nd attempt. Conditions were just right good weather no school, there wasn't anything good on TV. Ashley said it this hike was going to be roughing it, but then we saw this Snack Truck at the trail entrance and knew she didn't know what she was talking about but we made her our expidition guide anyways.
This is Sam's halfhearted attempt to end his life, pathetic huh?
did I mention there were stairs
Proof of our accomplishment the geological survey at the highest point too bad we weren't the only ones to see it there were tons of people up there including the elderly and little 6 year old girls. next time I do a travel blog about a hike we did I promise it will be more exiting than this
Sunday, October 14, 2007
This is my favorite picture... as many you may not know I am obsessed with Gummi Bears.. I always have a bag in purse at all times in case of emergencies... BUT I only like the green and clear ones... what can I say, I love the color and taste combination of one green and one clear... well when Brandon found this out, he came up with this invention of a green bear witha clear head... genius I tell you...

Monday, October 8, 2007
Kahuku Cheer Off!!
So, I know Brandon does not want me to post this...but I think it is fascinating!! My sister asked me if I wanted to go to the high school cheer contest, and I was less than excited.. (sorry Tiffani) But, being curious I went... and it turned out to be way different than I could have ever expected. They do not have a cheer squad, instead the different grades cheer off against each other.... and everyone is invited to cheer... as you can see both boys and girls do it... They have to do the cheer on the bleachers, and follow the following rules: 1. They can have one drummer 2. they can have one cheer leader (as you can see in the front).
The contest is such a big deal around here, they hold it at the college!
The contest is such a big deal around here, they hold it at the college!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Kitsap lake on a summer night
Tyler and I never had our wakeboard tour "summer of sin 2005"(you can thank real life and rising gas prices on that) but we did go 4 or 5 times a week. This is the video of one night taken from a digital camera but it still immortalizes the moment.
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