Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Birthday Party

Every party has a theme, and this one was obviously a hawaii/beach theme.
Thanks to Alicia we have that "as seen of TV" giant cupcake maker. There were 6 February babies from our ward that year and there was a giant cup cake representing each one. Our dear Ruskie friend Margarita put Cake Boss to shame by decorating them. If you know Jane at all you will have no problem identifying her cake. I would have put a few pictures of them eating their cakes but maybe it was the performance anxiety but they appeared to have no idea what to do with this culinary masterpieces so the resulting pictures were either boring pictures of kids not knowing if they were supposed to eat it or step in it (that's what Jane ultimately decided she was supposed to do) or evidence CPS would use to snatch out babies away from us.
Although there were 6 February babies the party really was for these three (Jane, Alexander, and Calvin) who were all born within the same week. Jane is wearing her homemade tutu her mom made for this special event. They are also sporting their number of revolutions around the sun on the front of their 'one'sies.
Jane discovered she only likes cake if there is icecream in the middle. Who knew?
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Tiffani said...

Love it love it love it. Those cupcakes are AMAZING! And Jane's tutu...wow. What a stylin babe. Oh and love the "1" t-shirt too. Ashley you have some serious style girl. Teach me?!

Kylee said...

Those cupcakes are amazing!! I also love the tutu! Good job on it! Happy Birthday Jane!

Alysha said...

Jane's hair looks so red in that last picture. What a fun little birthday party it was. All the babies looked so cute in their "one"sies.

Cierra said...

mad decorating skills! how FUN to have so many babies to play with! wish we were still there!

Ally and Moema said...

Thanks for posting these. I need to get these photos from you. What a fun day that was.

abigayl said...