Tuesday, February 23, 2010

switched before birth...

So Sunday after church I started to feel kinda yucky in my tummy, and it wasn't but a few hours later that I started to get the pukies... This proceeded all night long, I tried to just drink little sips of water and couldn't even keep that down (stay with me the story gets better) So I woke up Monday morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck, and Janey was still coughing, so I decided that we should both go see the Doc. As soon as I arrived at the doctor's office the took my by wheelchair to hospital for IV fluid treatments, and also to get some anti-nausea medicine pumped into me (ahhh zofran we meet again). Since they were not sure what was causing my to feel like death they decided to run some tests, it wasn't but a few minute later that the Doc came in to let me know that he knew why I was feeling sick... I was PREGNANT!!! He then told me that he was going to send my husband in so I could tell him, I almost wanted to ask him to stay in case my husband hit the floor due to the news. I told Brandon he actually was pretty excited, and told me he knew it was a boy. Then the Nurse came in and told me that I needed to give them a pee sample ( I don't like the word urine) When I asked why she said to see if I was Pregnant etc... At that point I was very confuses, until I heard the poor sick girl in the bed next to me talk about how she just found out she was pregnant and had been sick ever since. Something was fishy, the Doctor came in and started asking us if this would be our second child blah blah blah, and then I asked him are you sure I am pregnant, or could the test results been mixed up.... needless to say he was very embarrassed and checked the paperwork, and sure enough I was not pregnant, and the color started to come back into Brandon's cheeks.... The doc then said that there had been a mix up of tests in the lab and wanted to draw ANOTHER blood sample just in case, at this point I remember saying vocally as the nurse came in with the bucket of needles... " ahhh come on guys..." but they did it anyways, and sure enough nothing in my tummy....
So all in all I would say we had a pretty eventful day, no baby, just a virus...

I have heard of babies being switched after birth, but this one is new to me....


D&J Savaiinaea said...

Oh my gosh! I so loved your post! I was so so excited and then so so devistated!! Haha... At least you are going to be ok. I am going to drop a special something off tomorrow!!!

Take care,

Jenny said...

That's so funny! Did I sense a bit of relief in Brandon? And maybe you?

Alysha said...

Oh my, that is funny! I cant believe that happened. I hope you feel better Ash, at least this flu will only last a couple of days!

The Frandsens said...

Holy moly, what a surprise start and ending to this story! Sorry you are feeling so sick though, hope that you get better soon.

The Frandsens said...

I also forgot to add....what in the mix up! That is a pretty big oops, wow what a day....

Tiffani said...

Craziest story ever. Hope you feel better soon.s

Monica&Kevin said...

OMG!! That is CRAZY! dude...we need to talk ;)

Brad and Sue Frandsen said...

I can only imagine the rush of emotions going through both Brandon and your heads!!! Wow, I would have decked the doctor!! Not really but a good teasing would definately be in order....poor guy I bet he felt pretty foolish!! I'm sure everyone in the office is talking about the big "Whoops!" (You know doctors very rarely make mistakes!!)

Heidi said...

Wow, I am not so confident about going to the doctor and have tests done anymore.
Love your posts!

Lacey said...

YIKES! Thats kind of crazy! Only in Hawaii, right? :)