Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bye Bye Binkie!!

I have really procrastinated taking Janey's Bink away first with all the plane rides to the carribean, and then my dad, and then the morning sickness there just never seemed like a good time. About 2 weeks before Janey's birthday I got the courage to take Janey's Binkie away. This is exactly how it happened with taking Janey off Nursing. One day I just couldnt handle it anymore and BAM, it's gone cold turkey. Nursing was pretty easy, but I was TERRIFIED of taking away Janey's Binkie. She even asked for new binkies for Christmas... she loved them. Anyways, I told Janey that binkies are for babies only, she argued with me for a bit telling me lots of big girls use them. So then I decided I needed to go further so I took one of ber binkies and cut it! She gasped, but wasn't too upset... later I realized it was becuase she thought she could fix it, she tried doing this for about 20 minutes, including using tape when she gave up and said maybe daddy could fix it. Janey thinks Brandon can fix anything, but he was out of town so she was on her own!! The first night was pretty rough, she complained that her head and stomach hurt... it was like something didn't feel right but she couldn't put her finger on it. finally at about 1am she fell asleep, and SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!! AMAZING!!! and from there on out she has slept SOOOOO much better. It was definetely harder during the days, more whining and calling for mom, but seriously no where near as hard as I thought it was going to be!! Every once and a while Janey will find a binkie somewhere, she will stick it in her mouth and then throw it away.... SUCCESS!!!!! now on to potty training!

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Ally and Moema said...

Good job Ashley! I am so glad it was easy for you. Calvin was such a better sleeper before I took his paci away! Good luck with potty training. The first day days were hell for us after that he has been amazing and never has accidents, I think it is best to wait till they are three to do it then you know they are ready. I also found that with Calvin's personality letting him take charge really helped, once I stopped forcing him to sit on the potty and just let him tell me when he needed to then he did so much better.

Alysha said...

Good job Ash! You are so strong. Jane is so beautiful!!

The Powells said...

Hurray for triumphs! I cut Emi's binkie too (didn't let her watch me do it though) and told her that her binkie was broken. She cried for two nights, then was over it. LOVE IT! Good luck potty training, I do have to say though, it's going to be a heck of a lot easier for you since Jane is older when you're doing it. We just got Emi potty trained about two months ago? and she did awesome! Two days and it was done. Good luck though - I'm sure it's not fun when you don't feel great.