Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial Day!!

Memorial Day Was super fun and super relaxing! We went with our friends the Smiths to a super bee-utiful beach by sharks cove and set up the beach umbrella and the grill and just relaxed. Brandon and Alysha did a little snorkeling and Brandon jumped into the water and landed on the turtle, I know I was shocked as well but the turtle is fine don't worry!

Janey Maxin' and relaxin' in her cutsy swimsuit her daddy bought her (of course it looks like a flag, so very Brandon)

Brandon took Janey in the water which she more or less HATED!! I felt terrible because she was in the best of moods until she went into the cold water!!

Nick and Alysha Beachin' it up!!! Thanks for the yummy food and fun guys!!!!
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1 comment:

Monica&Kevin said...

I love her cute little swimsuit!! So teeny!