Saturday, May 30, 2009


Friday night we went to see UP!! the new Pixar movie! Brandon has been counting down the days until the next 3D movie, we saw Monster vs. Aliens in 3 D and it was fun so we decided to do it again!! Let me just say this was the cutest cartoon I have ever seen, we give it two thumbs "Up"!! A must see!

Jane on the car ride to Dole Cannery theaters, she is lovin the toys lately!!
My mom, Alicia and Mothoni rockin the old school Ray Ban 3D glasses!!
As you can clearly see Janey loved the feature Presentation as well!! Ok but seriously I kept trying to cover her with a blanket like we usually do during movies but she would not have it! She pretty much watched the whole thing, seriously!! She could not take her eyes off of it!! So cute!
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1 comment:

The Powells said...

I love her! I just want her and Emi to hang out and be friends. That would be too cute. Emi's starting to chunk out. I'll post some picts soon (whenever I take some).