Sunday, January 27, 2008

I don't want brownies I just want President Hinckley back!

This evening I received about 10 text messages telling me the sad news. Ashley has been pretty sick so it was wasn't exactly the ideal time for such bad news but being a loving husband i woke her up from her sick bed and told her that President Hinckley died and she was extremely distraught. After Ashley called her parents she came out of the bedroom half dazed half crying and me trying to cheer her up said I would make her some brownies. That's when my adorable wife said what is the title of this blog "I don't want brownies I just want President Hinckley BACK!" Its hard to say goodbye to the man who has been there for us the last decade. Many of us can hardly remember having a different prophet. Not a good weekend!!

1 comment:

The Bay A's said...

Ashley...I hope that you get better. I know it seems like everyone has been sick lately. It was unfortunate to hear about President Hinckley, but I am sure that he is in a better place and that whomever is chosen to replace him will continue to lead the church and most importantly its youth in the right direction.

Keep in touch love. I miss you!