Friday, May 7, 2010

BABIES!!! (the movie)

Yesterday our little family went to the premiere of the documentary BABIES yesterday in Honolulu. I have been looking foward to this movie for some time now, and it did not disappoint. The movie follows 4 babies from birth until they start walking. From Tokyo, San Francisco, Mongolia and Namibia. There is no dialogue during the movie, they just film the babies during the different stages of the first year of their life. It was super interesting to see how the same things were done, in four different areas of the world. plus, it was hilarious!! Babies are so funny, I laughed, I cried, I LOVED IT!! And BONUS... Jane watched the whole thing, sat very still the whole time... she was an angel!! One warning though, this was a documentary filming people in their day to day life... so the parts they film in Namibia, the women are pretty much breastfeeding the whole time...


These are pictures at the theater, Janey won a BABIES movie onesie!!! score!!!


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Tiffani said...

I don't think I've even heard of this movie but it sounds awesome. We'll have to try it out. Thanks for the tip.

And what's with you guys always winning the free stuff at movie premieres?

The Frandsens said...

oooo, I was just telling Dustin I really want to see this movie, glad it was good!

Sabs said...

our primary pres was telling me about this movie. I think she's seeing it this weekend in UT. Sounds so interesting! Wish i could've seen it with you:)

Heidi said...

Does it make you want to have more? I think watching a whole year in quick time makes you sit back and realize how fast they do grow emotionally and physically.

Lois Sparks said...

I saw the trailer a long time ago.. I wanna see it!

Ally and Moema said...

I wanted to see that with you! I miss you so much, move to Phili!