Friday, March 27, 2009


Any advice on how to organize my house with all the baby stuff?? our lil apartment is so crowded no, there is no place to walk!!! HELP?!!??

also, any one have any EASY recipes.... you know the kind that doesn't require a million ingredients??



Alysha said...

ASH I will come up and help you! Geez you know how much I like to organize, well sometimes. Come over for dinner this weekend Ill come see you tonight

Neal Family said...

I am still trying to organize my home with all the toys and stuff I have. My answer is to find a place next time with a basement where I can store it secretely:) OH and a yummy recipie i love that is fast and not a lot of ingredients is as follows:)

Chicken tenderloins boiled and cut up into pieces-put aside

In a fryer pan, put some oil about 1/4 cup and chop up some onion and garlic and stir around on low-medium for 5-10 minutes( however you like your onion cooked really)

than throw in your chopped chicken with the garlic and onion and mix up, while on low:

chop up some cilantro real fine, i usually do a good handful and I mean chop it REAL SMALL and than add to the chicken,garlic, and onion and fry up for another minute or two

Put it over some rice ( i usually add a little butter to my rice to make it nice and yummy and fattening) and it is sooo yummy. Also add a little garlic salt if you want some more flavor. LOVE YA

jen said...

We love taco soup.
Brown 1 lb of hamburger
1 can corn
1 can kidney beans
1 can diced tomatoes
1 little can tomato sauce
1 pack taco seasoning
then cook it for awhile.

Easy! And you can add cheese, sour cream, chips or whatever. It's yum.