Saturday, March 7, 2009

I am so Embarrased!!!

I just have to share this funny story about Brandon.... Well, Brandon likes to hold Jane on his chest in Bed until she falls asleep and then he will get up and put her in her pack n' play. Well the other night Brandon woke me up at 4:30 in the am and asked if I would put Jane back in the pack n' play since he was done holding her. I got up and turned to Brandon to pick Jane up to put her back and did not see her anywhere on the bed.... SO, I checked the pack n' play and sure enough there she was in her bed snug as a bug in a rug! I came back to bed and discovered Brandon hugging a pillow on his chest... and quickly figured out that Brandon thought the pillow was Jane. When I informed him that Jane was in her bed he looked at the pillow he was so sweetly holding and then looked at me and said " I am so embarresed!!" and then fell back asleep. Well I laughed myself back to sleep and when I asked Brandon about it the next day he had no idea what I was talking about.... SO CUTE AND FUNNY!!!


Jenny said...

Sounds like you've got a little sleep deprivation going on!

abigayl said...

HAHAHAHA. silly brandon... Well since she is so small and light, it would be very easy to think she was a pillow. Especially since Brandon was a zombie. But still. adorable

Ryan said...

That used to happen all the time when we shared rooms, he could carry on a full conversation with me in his sleep and not remember it when he wakes up. Its a very good time to get him to tell the truth hahaha

Monica&Kevin said...


David & Vanessa said...

That is the funniest and cutest story!! I have stuff similar to that happen too! It's weird how distorted your thoughts get bc of the little sleep. Love your story! Thanks for sharing!