Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not as funny as advertized on 'youtube'

first off apparently Jane only likes me in small doses, for the rest of the hour Ashley was out she screamed embarrassing us both and secondly Ashley isn't nearly as fun on her meds. A bad combo in the oral surgeon's busy waiting room, filling the prescription in Costco, and the hour long car ride home.


Calley said...

too bad, because it would've been a hilarious video if she was...
Tell her not to do a lot of exercise after surgery, because I got three dry sockets when I decided to go to track practice the day after I got mine out. Just a gee whiz for ya.

Lindsey said...

ASHLEY! I seriously looked for you on facebook the other day! How funny. How have you been? I'm super excited to catch up on your awesome life in Hawaii!

The Frandsens said...

Oh man...hope things are going better for her!

Marissa said...

I saw your fbchat (after the fact) and now I'm itching to know your question. Do ask.


Marissa said...

Luke sent applications to both M.D. and D.O. medical schools. Luke scored just below a 30 on the MCAT and because of this we didn't feel like we could get into the M.D. schools we wanted to. So we did not send secondary applications to them and we ended up sending secondaries to D.O. schools. It was kind of interesting because we didn't find out about the school Luke goes to (LECOM-Bradenton) until December of the year we were applying. Luke randomly had three conversations about the school in a week and we decided to look into it. There is a LECOM-Bradenton and a LECOM in Erie PA. These schools practice problem based learning (PBL). Have your husband look this up. Luke loves it because he is not in lecture ALL day long. (He tends to fall asleep in lectures. ) There aren't a lot of members out here. Right now, we have three couples that attend LECOM in our ward, another couple who is doing a residency in FL, and another couple that just moved in and are attending med school at USF. Luke said at the LECOM in Erie, PA there are a LOT of members. (But you don't want to go there because it's cold! :) ) We heard from a couple who visited our ward that there is a school in TN that I guess is starting to attract a lot of members. I think one of the main guys at the school is Mormon. There is also a school in WA in Yakima-if you want to be close to family. Some of the D.O schools have a heavy emphasis on family practice. Luke didn't necessarily want to do that so we decided not to apply to those schools. I think the one in Yakima is family practice driven.
He is busy a lot, but because he isn't in lecture all day he can study at home (At least while our little girl is relatively quiet.) Tell your husband to look into the LECOM-Bradenton to see if he likes their program. We would love to have you guys out here.
p.s. I also was able to meet a variety of wives or girlfriends whose husband/bfs attend LECOM. I hang out with them a lot. We like it here. Oh, the tuition at D.O. schools is typically more than M.D. schools because D.O. schools are not state schools. We think the LECOM schools are the cheapest among the D.O. schools, which is a bonus. I'm not sure if I answered all of your questions so email me if you need to know anything else. marissapoulter@gmail.com (