Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rice Cereal!

Now that Janey is 6 whole months old, we decided she deserves a little variation from her regular Diet. So we whipped out the Rice Cereal and gave her a taste and she... HATED IT!! of course.... So with a little time and a lot of cheerleading (and a little added flavor, come on would you eat this stuff?? I did not think so) she finally started to take to the stuff. Here are a view photos of Janey Brainy (that is what I call her so she feels smart) Feasting on the stuff.

little in the mouth, more falling off the chin.

(one step foward, two steps back)

Janey would rather eat the camera than the cereal.

Janey just wanted to enjoy her dinner in peace.

Mastering the art of "open wide!" nicely done Janey-Lou-Lou!!

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The Frandsens said...

Aww good job Janey!! What flavor did you add in it? I like how you guys are six weeks ahead of us, so you can just figure everything out...then pass on the wisdom.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Janey. Gwenevere loves it when we use milk with cereal. But than again, Gwenevere loves almost anything we put in her mouth. The trouble is, she thinks she should be allowed to feed herself. She's too independent.

cindy said...

So cute. I know . . . we feed our babies such disgusting tasting foods and wonder why they spit it out. Love the full body covered cereal experience! Do you have some of those mush bags that you can stick bananas and stuff into? I love those.

Sabs said...

what a cutie pie! kolby wouldn't touch the stuff. But he sure loved those sweet potatoes!

Cierra said...

oh my gosh she is SO big! i can't believe it...she is no longer a newborn! (i know that she hasn't been a newborn for technically quite some time, but she stayed tiny forever!)

The Powells said...

too cute! i mix emi's cereal with the pureed fruits. it's cuts out the need to buy formula to mix it with and/or you don't have to pump to get your milk in it. i did it with tyson too and they love it.

Me said...

haha super fun! Go Janey