Saturday, September 12, 2009

Words of Wisdom

Ashley here.

Tuesday I get my wisdom teeth pulled!!!! AHHHH I know I am the only person over the age of 18 who has not had this done yet...

Any words of advice or magic pills you know of that will make it so I don't feel any pain or have any swelling?!?

Let me know.


Tiffani said...

Just do whatever they tell you to avoid "dry sockets." I can't remember why, but I got them and it sucked. And make sure Brandon takes extra good care of you. Good luck!

P.S. Derek and I went to H&M today! We thought of you the entire time and wished you were there to shop with us.

The Powells said...

(hehehehehe) if you're the only one over the age of 18 who hasn't had their wisdom teeth pulled yet... then I really must be an oddity, because I'm in the process (as we speak) of getting my FIRST wisdom tooth in. Yup, at the sweet age of (almost) 27, I am going to be teething alongside my daughter. Let me know what works for you - I'll be needing it in a few years when all mine are in! :)

Sabs said...

hmmmm tracy gave me some amazing Ben n' Jerry's ice cream...that seemed to help:)

Alysha said...

Keep em CLEAN! Use that syringe! Its so gross sticking that into those holes but you wont get nasty infections! Lots of cold compresses and ICE CREAM helps! Love you Good Luck!

Jenny said...

Ugh! Your family must be late bloomers...Brad is going to have his tonsils out (at age 39) next month! I hope you feel better quickly. I had mine out so long ago that I don't remember much about it, except that the first pain killers they gave me made me really sick, but once I got the right ones I think it was all OK.

The Frandsens said...

Dustin here ... everyone told me all these horror stories of having your wisdom teeth pulled, but honestly I felt like it was a little vacation from reality. I remember, vaguely, being knocked out and waking up in the car ride home. I don't remember ever getting into the car or the actual ride home but once I got home I had the most relaxing sleep I've ever had in my life I think. Sleep, wake up, spit out a bunch of crap, drink a milk shake, replace bandages, fall back asleep. Little uncomfortable and gross but after a day or two everything was back to normal. I'll be praying you have a similar / restful experience. Good Luck!!!

Cierra said...

ohhhhh i feel for you ashley. i got mine out a couple summer's ago and it was not fun. but not as bad as i imagined it, so don't worry! my one important recommendation is that you take the pain killers a.s.a.p. when you get home from the surgery.

my sweet mom dropped me off at home and went straight to the pharmacy to pick up my drug prescription. unfortunately there was an extra long line and by the time she got home, the oral anesthesia had worn off and tears were streaming down my face. but once the pills kicked in, i was good to go! :)

i enjoyed living off frozen yogurt for a couple days, but then i started to really want "real" food...not sweet stuff. i think by the 2nd or 3rd day i still couldn't chew, so i swallowed chef boyardee raviolis whole. i know, sick, but it was AMAZING at the time, haha.

p.s. i think the "preggo glow" you are talking about is due to photo editing. removal of zits here and there and some photo lighting and there you have it, i guess! i wish i could say it was all natural. :)

p.s.s. this was the longest blog comment in history!